Vector-borne infections are one of the fastest growing infectious diseases

Find out if you might be suffering from a vector-borne infection

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2 million
Suffering from Chronic Lyme
Patients are misdiagnosed
Of cases present without the tell-tale rash
New Cases in the US Each Year

"The great imitator"

Vector-borne infections require a symptoms-based diagnosis because they present differently in each person. Lyme specifically is known as ‘the great imitator because its symptoms overlap with so many other diseases. While the most common, Lyme is only one of the various vector-borne infections that can be debilitating and difficult to diagnose.

These symptoms are commonly diagnosed with other associated diseases, where often, the underlying cause is a vector-borne infection.

Associated Diagnoses

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Spondylitis
  • Parkinsons
  • Alzheimer's
  • ALS
  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • OCD


  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Tingling, numbness, or pain that moves around the body
  • Headaches
  • Fevers
  • Memory loss
  • Brain fog
  • Slowed cognitive processing
  • Aggression

Physical Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Tingling, numbness, or pain that moves around the body
  • Headaches
  • Fevers

Neurological Symptoms

  • Memory loss
  • Brain fog
  • Slowed cognitive processing
  • Aggression

Symptoms sound familiar? Find out if you might be suffering from a vector borne infection.

Take Assessment

You Aren't Alone

Others with vector-borne infection have found a diagnosis, testing and treatment

Meet Lia

She was bitten by a tick but did not notice a bullseye rash. Her first symptoms was an irregular heart beat and chest pain. After testing positive for Lyme and Babesia, she found her road to recovery and is well. In fact, she recently ran the Tough Mudder race!

Meet Dave

Bitten by a tick while on a family hike in rural Pennsylvania. He was not diagnosed with Lyme until coming down with severe symptoms. After much learning about the controversy that surrounds this disease, Dave is fighting back and finding his road to recovery.

Meet Shymala

She had years of unexplained health problems - extreme fatigue, dizziness, joint pain amongst other symptoms. She was first diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and anemia. After being diagnosed with Lyme and Babesia, she learned how to be her own medical advocate and is helping others do the same.

Learn About the Infections